Perceived Effectiveness of Home Education Event Marketing Tools

Ryan B. Lunsford Southwestern College, Phoenix, Arizona 85032,…

Examination of Previously Homeschooled College Students with the Big Five Model of Personality

Examination of Previously Homeschooled College Students with…

Strengthening the Ties that Bind

A book review of Family Ties: Relationships, Socialization, and…

U.S. Homeschool Population Size and Growth: Comments


Many people ask about the size and growth of the homeschool population in the United States. It is difficult to measure and estimate for several reasons. Brian Ray of the National Home Education Research Institute (NHERI) has estimated that there were more than 2.0 million K-12 homeschool students in the U.S. during the spring of 2008.

by Brian D. Ray, Ph.D., posted December 23, 2008


California Homeschool Court Decision Ignores Research Findings and Constitutions

One of the most significant recent court rulings on homeschooling, and parental rights in general, was handed down by a California court in late February. The California Court of Appeals, on February 28, 2008, essentially declared that homeschooling is illegal in California and no constitutional right to its practice exists in either California or the United States at large. The three judges have contradicted and deemed illegal at least 25 years of the modern practice of parent-led home-based education by their ruling in a single family-services-related case (i.e., a juvenile court proceeding; read court opinion online The case is entitled Jonathan L. and Mary Grace L. v. Superior Court of the State of California for the County of Los Angeles; i.e., the Long family case).

Homeschooled Students’ Adjustment to College


complete title:
Emotional, social and academic adjustment to college: A comparison between Christian home schooled and traditionally schooled college freshmen

Scott White, Elizabeth Williford, John Brower, Terance Collins, Roman Merry, and Maryam Washington; Home School Researcher, 2007, Volume 17, Number 4, p. 1-7.

Home schooled students’ ability to successfully adjust to college life is one important criterion to demonstrate a positive outcome of home schooling. The present study compared . . . on the College Adjustment Scale. The mean scores of the two groups were compared across the nine CAS scales designed to measure emotional, behavioral, social and academic problems typically presenting to university counseling centers. The home schooled students scored significantly . . .

Keywords, descriptors, key terms: college, college adjustment, adults, socialization, academics, home schooling, homeschooling, home education, home-based education

On Blacks Choosing Home-Based Education

Many Americans today – whether plumbers, professors, painters, or politicians – believe that children and youth should attend public schools so they can have proper individual lives and be part of the best social life that advances the best corporate societal life. This sentiment is consistent with major changes that occurred regarding education during the mid- to late-nineteenth century.

Chinese Graduate Students’ Perspectives on Home Schooling


Chinese Graduate Students’ Perspectives on Home Schooling

Although an established alternative form of American education, the concept of home schooling is just beginning to surface in China. Few Chinese have knowledge of home schooling yet alone consider this form of education. However, graduate students studying in the field of education are aware of this unusual alternative to traditional schooling, one that leads to many questions and discussion. Findings from interviews with twenty-four graduate students (former teachers in Chinese schools) present their understandings, concerns, and perspectives of home schooling. These include implications of a one-child policy, concerns about socialization, changing roles for Chinese women, cultural values, economic issues and lessons Chinese teachers could learn from home schooling. Findings provide a unique Chinese-Marxism perspective on home schooling and discussion addresses the potential of home schooling in the PRC.

Michael H. Romanowski, Volume 17, Number 3, p. 7-15