The latest news and commentary on homeschooling research, and more, from NHERI and Dr. Brian Ray.

Children Do Not Exist to Fund School Systems’ Budgets: Homeschoolers Save Money for Taxpayers and Schools

by Seann Dikkers, Ph.D. Executive Director, Minnesota Association…

Comparing Two Forms of Public Schooling: What Relevance to Homeschooling?

Comparing Two Forms of Public Schooling: What Relevance to Homeschooling? The…

Big Growth in Homeschooling Indicated This “School Year”

Big Growth in Homeschooling Indicated This “School Year” The…

MSNBC and New Homeschool Parents: Don’t Flip Out and Get Stressed. Relax. Covid-19 Tips.

Dr. Brian Ray was on the MSNBC show on Sunday. His words might…

Perceived barriers to homeschooling in a fragile community

Perceived Barriers to Homeschooling in a Fragile Community, With…

A Systematic Review of the Empirical Research on Selected Aspects of Homeschooling as a School Choice

A systematic review of the empirical research on selected aspects…

Academic Achievement of Homeschool Students: A Review of Peer-Reviewed Research

Keywords, Categories, Tags: homeschooling, home schooling, home…

U.S. Homeschool Population Size and Growth: Comments


Many people ask about the size and growth of the homeschool population in the United States. It is difficult to measure and estimate for several reasons. Brian Ray of the National Home Education Research Institute (NHERI) has estimated that there were more than 2.0 million K-12 homeschool students in the U.S. during the spring of 2008.

by Brian D. Ray, Ph.D., posted December 23, 2008


California Homeschool Court Decision Ignores Research Findings and Constitutions

One of the most significant recent court rulings on homeschooling, and parental rights in general, was handed down by a California court in late February. The California Court of Appeals, on February 28, 2008, essentially declared that homeschooling is illegal in California and no constitutional right to its practice exists in either California or the United States at large. The three judges have contradicted and deemed illegal at least 25 years of the modern practice of parent-led home-based education by their ruling in a single family-services-related case (i.e., a juvenile court proceeding; read court opinion online The case is entitled Jonathan L. and Mary Grace L. v. Superior Court of the State of California for the County of Los Angeles; i.e., the Long family case).