Entries by Brian D. Ray, Ph.D.

Child Abuse of Public School, Private School, and Homeschool Students: Evidence, Philosophy, and Reason, Revised

Wretchedly, news stories, anecdotes, and research regarding school teachers and other school personnel doing evil things to students and children have become too common in the United States.[i],[ii] News stories, government data, and research reports on parents harming children are also available.[iii] A recent news story out of California shows that David Turpin and Louise […]

Homeschooling and Taking Kids to Church Matter More for Life, Study Suggests

Introduction A fascinating study just came out. Scholars Ying Chen, Christina Hinton, and Tyler VanderWeele (2021) published their work, “School types in adolescence and subsequent health and well-being in young adulthood: An outcome-wide analysis.” In it, they compared the backgrounds in adolescence and outcomes in adulthood of those who were homeschooled, private schooled, and public […]

How Many Homeschool Students Are There in the United States? Pre-Covid-19 and Post-Covid-19: New Data

Copyright © by National Home Education Research Institute [Also, see the new population size estimate for 2021-2022] Abstract The purpose of this study is to estimate the number of homeschool students in the United States during the 2020-2021 academic school year. The estimate is derived by establishing the size of the nationwide school-age population, ascertaining […]

Homeschooling Doubles in the United States During Government Pandemic Lockdowns: Evidence That State Policies Cause Homeschool Growth

The Context More empirical evidence shows that homeschooling doubled in the United States during the government pandemic lockdowns. The growth occurred from the 2019-2020 institutional school year to the 2020-2021 year, to perhaps as many as 5 million school-age children. The latest data come from the United States Census Bureau. Government restrictions and lockdowns forced […]

Comparing Two Forms of Public Schooling: What Relevance to Homeschooling?

Comparing Two Forms of Public Schooling: What Relevance to Homeschooling? The Context A recently published study compared the academic achievement of government-run public correspondence school students and government-run public conventional school students in Alaska (McCracken and Coleman, 2020). The reason that this study is being reviewed by an author and institute that focus on homeschooling […]

Big Growth in Homeschooling Indicated This “School Year”

Big Growth in Homeschooling Indicated This “School Year” The Context for Big Growth in Homeschooling Indicated Homeschooling has been gradually and notably growing for decades, but new evidence points to big growth in homeschooling being indicated for this “school year.” What is a “school year”? For tens of thousands of homeschoolers, learning is year-round. Dates […]

What is “Good” Research? A Homeschool Researcher Responds to Harvard Professor’s Criticism: Research Methods 101

What is “Good” Research? A Homeschool Researcher Responds to Harvard Professor’s Criticism: Research Methods 101 Brian D. Ray, Ph.D.* May 29, 2020 Copyright © 2020 by Brian D. Ray The purpose of this paper is to place in context and evaluate the efforts of many of those who negatively criticize homeschooling, homeschool researchers, or particular […]