Entries by Brian D. Ray, Ph.D.

A Systematic Review of the Empirical Research on Selected Aspects of Homeschooling as a School Choice

A systematic review of the empirical research on selected aspects of  homeschooling as a school choice This is a review of peer-reviewed homeschool research in the Journal of School Choice, by Brian D. Ray Brian D. Ray Journal of School Choice, Pages 604-621 | Published online: 27 Nov 2017 PDF and html Abstract This peer-reviewed […]

Effective Homeschool Programming for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder

PERSPECTIVES – News and Comments1 Home School Researcher                                                                                           Volume 34, No. 3, 2019, p. 1-5 Effective Homeschool Programming for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder Anne L. Mendoza, Glennda K. McKeithan, and Deborah E. Griswold University of Kansas, gmckeithan@ku.edu PDF download Abstract Many parents and/or caregivers of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are frustrated with […]

Neither Banned, Nor Supported: Homeschooling in Hungary

Noémi Eggendorfer Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary, noemi.eggendorfer@gmail.com Erika Kopp Education and Psychology, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary, kopp.erika@ppk.elte.hu.uk Abstract Homeschooling as an alternative form of education is chosen by more and more families in Hungary. Although home education is a growing movement in many countries, its situation is controversial in Hungary as we will […]

Parents’ Perspectives on Flexischooling Their Autistic Children

Clare Lawrence Senior Lecturer in Teacher Development at Bishop Grosseteste University, Lincoln, United Kingdom clare.lawrence@bishopg.ac.uk   Abstract The aim of this study was to explore the perceived advantages identified by parents who flexischool their autistic children.  “Flexischooling” is a term first used by Roland Meighan (1988) to describe “[the] notion of a part-time arrangement whereby […]

Academic Achievement of Homeschool Students: A Review of Peer-Reviewed Research

Keywords, Categories, Tags: homeschooling, home schooling, home education, home-based education, demographics, academic achievement, socialization, social development, adulthood, research, statistics, school choice research.   The Context During the past five years or so, negative critics of homeschooling and of homeschool advocacy have claimed that research on homeschooling tells us almost nothing (e.g., about academic achievement or […]

The Relationship Between the Degree of State Regulation of Homeschooling and the Abuse of Homeschool Children (Students)

Abstract: Various scholars and policymakers have claimed that homeschooling must be regulated or controlled by the civil government to make sure that life goes well for homeschool students. Others have argued that political philosophy and empirical evidence show that private homeschool education should be left alone. This study examined whether there is a relationship between […]

Parent Perspectives: Curriculum and Homeschooling Approaches

Jesse Thomas Sharp Academy, Lubbock, Texas   Abstract There is usually not much difficulty finding out the learning materials that are used in the public schools.  Today, many states share similar standards and curricular sources.  However, the task of uncovering educational material used by homeschooling families is not as easy.  A family may use a […]

Brief Comments on “That Kind of Girl: Effects of Homeschooling on the Sexual Health of Women and Girls” by Vicry

Brief Comments on  “That Kind of Girl: Effects of Homeschooling on the Sexual Health of Women and Girls” by Vicry PERSPECTIVES – News and Comments1  Brian D. Ray National Home Education Research Institute, Salem, Oregon Keywords: homeschooling, home schooling, home education, home-based education, sex, sexuality, sex education, religion, worldview, statism, secularism, law, regulation, private schools. Here […]