How Many Homeschool Students are there in the United States during the 2021-2022 School Year?

Copyright © 2022 by Brian D. Ray Abstract The purpose…

Study on Child Abuse and Neglect and Homeschooling Dispels Conventionally Held Views

A new study on child abuse and neglect and homeschooling dispels…

Does Homeschooling Improve Social Competencies and Creative Thinking among Children?

Context Homeschooling has grown phenomenally during the past…

Beating a Dead Horse: Why Socialization is an Insignificant Issue for Homeschooling

PERSPECTIVES – News and Comments1 Home School Researcher     Volume…

Counseling Preferences of Homeschooling Families

Home School Researcher     Volume 37,…

Question: Does Homeschooling Improve Creative Thinking Among Children?

Context Homeschooling has grown phenomenally during the…